Request a tour - let’s meet IRL!

Choosing a school for your child is a big deal. We encourage you to come take a tour of Mansfield PALS to help with your decision.

We know your time as a parent is limited, so we want to share answers—upfront!—to some of the major questions likely on your mind.

When are you open?

Mondays through Fridays, 7:30am-5:30pm. We only close for federal and state holidays, and in the event of inclement weather, Mansfield PALS is closed when Mansfield Public Schools are closed.

In addition, we take on-going professional development of our staff and upkeep of our facility seriously. As such, instead of closing for a week or two during the year, Mansfield PALS will be closed one day per quarter for “professional days.” Annual program calendars can be found in Mansfield PALS’ Parent Handbook.

Do you offer care for less than 5 days/week?

Right now, Mansfield PALS is only enrolling full-time slots (5 days/week). We hope to offer part-time slots (2 or 3 days/week) and drop-in care down the road.

What does it cost to send my kid to Mansfield PALS?

At Mansfield PALS, we work hard to keep prices as affordable for families while still balancing cost with quality. Our tuition fees cover full-time care and all program materials. Any absences or holiday closures do not impact weekly payments.

Tuition Fees (5 days/week):

Infants (6 weeks - 14 months) - $495/week

Toddlers (15 months - 33 months) - $450/week

Preschool (33 months - 6 years) - $395/week

For other fees and discounts, please visit our pricing page.

Does Mansfield PALS have cameras?

At Mansfield PALS, we take the safety and security of everyone in our space—especially kids—very seriously. We have video and audio recording cameras in all classrooms, entrances, hallways, and outdoor play areas. No cameras record bathroom or kitchen activity. Recordings are kept on a private, secure server for 30 days. To ensure the safety and confidentiality of children and staff, we do not provide access to the recordings to outside parties or permit live-streaming to families. As part of the enrollment process, parents/guardians must complete a recording consent form.

If you have other questions, check out Mansfield PALS’ Parent Handbook, or email us at

If you like what you hear, we’d love to meet you!

Request your tour using the form below.